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   운영임원 소개

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+ 제목

Beomjoon Kim is a Professor of Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Japan. Also, he is currently a director of LIMMS-KIKO and in charge as a chair of corporate sponsored research division of “Virological Medicine”, at I.I.S., the University of Tokyo. He received his B.E. degree from Seoul National University, Dept. of Mechanical Design and Production Eng., Korea, in 1993, and M.S., Ph.D. in Precision Engineering, from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1995 and 1998, respectively. He was a CNRS Associate Researcher in LPMO, Besancon, France (1998-99), and worked in MESA+ Research Institute, University of Twente (1999-2000). He was an Associate Professor in the Univ. of Tokyo (2000-2013), and was a co-director at the CIRMM/CNRS Paris office (2001-2003).

Research Topic and Keyword

Micro/Nano machining, MEMS, Bio-sensors, Microneedles, DDS


나노스케일에서의 가공기술을 밑거름으로 하여, 21세기의 주요 이노베이션기술의 하나인 “바이오/생명공학”으로의 응용”분야중, 특히 Point of care 즉, 휴대용 의료진단칩, 부착형 고감도/고기능의 바이오센서, 일회용 진단칩등의 핵심요소기반을 구축하고자 노력하고 있습니다. 최근에 마이크로니들의 의료기기개발에 공헌하고 있습니다.

앞으로 한국 화학 공학회를 통해 많은 분들과의 공동 연구를 기대합니다. 감사합니다.

담당 이사 - 한정우 교수 (POSTEC)

​총무 간사​

Research Topic

+ 제목

➣ Working Mechanisms in Polymer Solar cells and Perovskite Solar Cells

➣ Photon Energy Loss in Polymer Solar Cells and Perovskite Solar Cells

➣ Charge Transporting Properties in Conductive polymer Blended with Insulating Polymer


Polymer solar cells, Perovskite solar cells, Charge recombination, Charge-transporting property


Hyung Do Kim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Polymer Chemistry at Kyoto University.  He received his Ph. D. degree at Kyoto University in 2017.  His thesis focused on development of highly efficient organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells.  He worked as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow in the same university from 2017 to 2018 and appointed as an Assistant Professor in Oct. 2018.  His research interests include studying charge generation and recombination mechanisms in photovoltaic systems.  His current research focuses on charge recombination dynamics in polymer solar cells and perovskite solar cells.



+ 제목


ll Jeon read Chemistry for Bachelors and Masters degrees at Oxford University, UK. After graduating in 2008, he worked as the youngest senior researcher at LG Display Co. Ltd., South Korea for 5 years, developing optical films, OLED, and quantum displays. In 2016, he received a PhD degree in Chemistry with honours from the University of Tokyo, Japan. After working as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow, he worked as an assistant professor and lecturer (senior assistant professor) at the same university. He moved to
Pusan National University in South Korea where he got promoted to an associate professor. Later, he
joined Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) and he is now an associate professor at the department of
Nano Engineering. His research group is working on nanocarbon materials, namely, endohedral
fullerene and carbon nanotubes, for optoelectronics towards eco-friendly society and CO
2 reduction
technology. The team are also developing bioelectronics and artificial intelligence integrating materials science.


carbon nanotube, endohedral fullerenes, virus, bacteriophage, Optoelectronics, Solar Cells, Photodetectors, CO2 reduction, biotronics, stretchable, solar cells

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+ 제목

I received a B.S. degree at Yeungnam University in 2015. I obtained M.S. and Ph. D. degrees from the department of polymer chemistry at Kyoto University under the supervision of Prof. Hideki Matsuoka in 2018 and 2021, respectively. I am a post-doctoral researcher at the department of energy and hydrocarbon chemistry, Kyoto University. I have studied the creation of entirely ionic PIC micelles consisting of zwitterionic and ionic chains and their fundamental properties. Currently, I am conducting research on polymer electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries.

Research Topic and Keyword

Polymer synthesis, polymer physics, polymer surface chemistry, zwitterionic polymer, stimuli-responsive polymer, polymer electrolytes, all-solid-state battery


저희 연구팀은 차세대 에너지원으로써 주목받고 있는 전고체형전지에 관련된 전반적인 연구를 진행하고 있하고있습니다.

앞으로 한국 화학공학회를 통해 많은 분들과의 공동 연구를 기대합니다. 감사합니다.



+ 제목

From 2019 to 2021, I have worked to get a doctorate in graduate school of engineering at Kyoto University under the supervision of Prof. Kohei Miyazaki and Prof. Takeshi Abe, with a government-funded scholarship (MEXT in Japan). After receiving my Ph.D at the same university, I promoted an assistant professor at Kyoto University.  I have been conducting researches on Lithium-ion batteries in non-aqueous and aqueous systems from master course and recently progressing studies on lithium nickel oxide materials for rechargeable batteries. In particular, I have skills and experience about various electrochemical in situ analysis including X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy for aqueous and non-aqueous battery systems.

Research Topic and Keyword

 Lithium-ion batteries, Cathode materials, Electrochemical in situ analysis, Interfacial reactions


저희 연구팀은 차세대 에너지원으로써 주목받고 있는 이차전지 및 연료전지와 관련된 연구를 진행하고 있으며, 특히 일본에서 가장 큰 규모의 이차전지 연구 사업인 Rising Project를 통해 리튬 이차전지와 관련된 연구 뿐만 아니라 차세대 이차전지시스템과 관련된 연구에 집중하고 있습니다.

앞으로 한국 화학 공학회를 통해 많은 분들과의 공동 연구를 기대합니다. 감사합니다.

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+ 제목

I majored in public administration at Korea University, and I majored in Japanese regional studies at the Graduate School of International Studies at Korea University. After graduation, I experienced not only overseas sales at Samsung C&T, but also management diagnosis in the audit team and ERP work in the system division. Since then, I moved to LSE and is engaged in various power-related businesses such as solar power, wind power, and ESS as well as sales of power equipment. As the representative of LSE JAPAN, I do various businesses in the renewable energy sector and networking with various companies to contribute to Japan's decarbonization society.

Research Topic and Keyword

Power, Battery, Semiconductor, Bio, etc.

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+ 제목

Jongho Park received a PhD degree in Precision Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan in 2012. After performing various researches about microfabrication and bio-related applications, such as porous silicons as well as microdevices for plants, he is now continuing his research at Institute of Industrial Science of the University of Tokyo as an Assistant Professor.

His research focuses on micro/nano fabrication for MEMS devices and various applications for the development of biomedical devices. Especially, microneedle patch array (MAP) is his main research interest. He is working on several projects to develop novel MAPs as biosensors for on-site assays, tools for delivering drug as well as valid ingredients.

Research Topic and Keyword

Microfabrication, Biomedical device, Microneedles, MAP (Microneedle Patch Array)


여러가지 연구주제를 가지고 많은 분들과 의견 교환도 하고 함께 공동연구도 진행해나가면 좋겠습니다. 감사합니다.



+ 제목

Jin Ho Seok received his Bachelors degree at Yeungnam University in 2015, Masters degree at Kyoto Institute of Technology in 2017 and Ph. D. degree at the University of Tokyo in 2022. From 2022, he is currently work as postdoctoral researcher at the department of Biomaterial Sciences in the University of Tokyo, Japan. He and his group are currently working on the synthesis of plastic materials based on polysaccharides and microbial-derived polyesters, the improvement of various processing techniques and properties, including fibers, molds, and microbeads, and the standardization of the evaluation of degradation of plastic materials by enzymes and environmental microorganisms.

Research Topic and Keyword

Polymer synthesis, Polymer physics, Bioplastic, Polysaccharide derivative, Polyester,
Graft copolymerization, Melt blending, Compression molding, Biodegradation

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